My thanks to the Committee of LKA for the invitation and to the exhibitors who attended this spacious indoor venue. A big ring is always a benefit to our free moving breed and my winners were able to demonstrate true easy Deerhound movement. My thanks to my two excellent stewards Jane and Simon for keeping things moving so well.
MPD (No Entries)
PD (2 – 1Abs)
1. Turners Aileynill Grey Birds. Very raw youngster rather overawed by his surroundings today. Typical male expression with dark eye and reasonable ear carriage. Rather upright in front, reasonable depth of ribcage and length of back at this stage of his development. Movement needs to settle.
JD (2)
1. Constantines Ormanstar Cosmo at Kaleginy. Well built young dog with pleasant head carried on a strong neck. Well balanced angulation, and good depth to rib cage. Stands on good feet and moved well in profile but still needs to settle coming and going.
2. Turners Alieynill Grey Birds. repeat
PGD (2)
1. Metselaar-Williams and Constantines Kaleginy Drummond at Grendel. Pleasing head and expression, balanced depth and width to rib cage with good tuck up. Well muscled rear quarters, although croup does tend to fall away a little too early. Moved well in profile but still needs tosettle coming and going.
2. Quintons Kirjojax Harris. Well boned dog with good width and depth throughout. Preferred his topline to that of 1 but is shorter coupled. Rather upright in front but was rather unsettled and only relaxed when on the move when his well muscled rear quarters propelled him round the ring with good drive.
LD (1 – 1Abs)
OD (4)
1. Heathcote & Finnetts Hyndsight Sinnerman. Typical, quality dog. Pleasing head and expression set on strong neck into well laid shoulder, good depth and width throughout. Well muscled rear quarters and good low set hocks. Presented in good coat he moved well, true and with drive. CC & BOB
2. Grimshaws Ch Greyflax Diamond Joe at Jamalison. Well built quality dog, slightly shorter coupled than one. Well balanced angulation front and rear with good width throughout and well muscled rear quarters. Did not move as well as 1 coming and going but very well in profile. RCC
3. Jansons Nixophel Carnelian Red
VD (No Entries)
MPB (1 – 1Abs)
PB (2)
1. Constantines Kaleginy Syon. Houndy young bitch, with feminine head and expression dark eyes and neat ears. Well balanced angulation, good top and underline, well muscled rear quarters. Very confident youngster, movement sound and true and very good in profile . BP.
2. Spring-Arnolds Hyndsight Only In My Dreams. Very promising bitch only a little lacking in confidence. Pleasing head on long strong neck. Good top and underline although her rear quarters were not quite as well developed as 1. Moved well in profile and hopefully her confidence will grow with experience.
JB (5 – 3Abs)
1. Abbotts Wildshore Sunflower. Very houndy outline with pleasing head and expression. Would like a little more length of leg. Ample depth and width throughout with well laid shoulder and shapely rear quarters. Moves a little close behind at present but fine in profile.
2. McAlpines Gentiehun Iso Harmaa Korira . Pleasant head and expression, ample width and depth throughout. Lighter boned than 1 and without the muscle of 1 she does however move quite well in profile.
PGB (6 – 2Abs)
1. Quintons Kirjojax Pancho. Pleasing outline, feminine head and expression. Well balanced angulation, good depth of ribcage and length of back, good width through stifle. Moved well in profile but a little unsettled coming and going.
2. Thoms Flaxside Against All Odds. Still a little raw but plenty to like. Pleasant head and expression, balanced angulation, not the body or bone of 1 but lower set hocks. Movement in profile excellent but a little close behind.
3. Seymour-Jacksons Kilbourne Lucy
LB (5 – 3Abs)
1. Baileys Greyflax Talluah Lilac. Very houndy quality young bitch. Pleasing head with lovely dark eyes. Good length of neck and depth and width of ribcage. Well ribbed back, strong loin and shapely rear quarters. Well let down hocks. Movement sound and true and with drive. RCC
2. Abbotts Kaleginy Calypso at Wildshore. Pleasing outline, feminine head and expression. Balanced angulation and good bone. Good length of back and width through stifle although not as well muscled as 1. Moved well.
OB (4 – 2Abs)
1. Heathcote & Finnetts Ch Hyndsight How You Remind Me. Well balanced typical bitch. Pleasing head with feminine expression set on strong neck. Well boned with good depth and width throughout. Movement very easy and true and pushed the dog very hard for BOB. CC
2. Baileys Ch Greyflax Pearls A Singer. Very close to one.Typical houndy outline, pleasing head and expression with good length and depth of ribcage. Not quite as well muscled as 1 but presented in good coat with sound movement.
VB (1)
1. Seymour-Jacksons Cassacre Aelfrida of Ghilan. Twelve year old bitch presented in full coat. Well boned with good length of back and good tuck up, and well let down hocks. She did however show her age when moving on such an unforgiving surface. BV
Keith Pursglove